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Navigation Buttons
Sometimes its the simple things in life! As you navigate through your loan file, simple back and forth buttons allow you to return to screens you were just working on, toggle back and forth, and bounce between tools and forms. No more "show all" and "alphabetical order" to find the form you need!
HD Pipeline Viewer
Dynamic color control for your pipeline. Remember when TV was black and white? Nope, neither do we. Your Pipeline, in dynamic color, based on whatever rules you desire. Suspended loans red? Loans past 3 days in the queue orange? TPO loans blue? Whatever you want, brings complete clarity to your team...
Advanced Email Utility
The Advanced Email Utility brings your customer, TPO, and File Contacts communication to the next level. Full HTML email templates (unlimited and as easy to create as writing an email) with headers, footers, logos, filed merge and so forth, are automatically sent based on any trigger you wish. Addit...
The Admin BFF (The Automator)
Dynamic, intelligent, data management, and field/business rule control. Worth it's weight in diamond, there's a thousand reasons it's called the Admin's BFF. Eliminate all of your templates, control closing costs and fees, eliminate hundreds and hundreds of trigger rules, and on and on... The Admin...
eFolder Doc Viewer
Tired of having to jump out of the input form you’re working on to access documents hidden in the eFolder? Put an end to workflow disruptions with eFolder Doc Viewer, offering a seamless and efficient way to view and manage documents and conditions right from any custom input form! Effortlessly crea...
eFolder mishaps can cost your business time and frustrate processors, underwriters, LOs, and investors. eOrganizer handles the clean-up for you! With just a single click, you can eliminate duplicate files, control versions, empty placeholders, and consolidate attachments into one master document. eO...
Home Counselor Automation
Remembering to, and then manually populating the Home Counseling Disclosure is sooo 2018. Eliminate 2631 clicks and 9 1/2 HOURS per 100 funded loans each month your staff is spending on this today. ROI, ROI, ROI.
Free Subscription
Input Form Manager
Take dynamic control of your Input Form Sets, help drive productivity, and simplify workflow. This utility automatically assigns the right input forms as your users work through their files, in real time. As you switch loan types, products, programs, or as different departments open the file, ensur...
Advanced Communication Manager
The Advanced Communication Manager (ACM) tool is a truly advanced communication platform which allows users to keep the loan story right inside the loan. Status notifications, eMails & attachments, global and personal templates for repeated eMail tasks, a live loan feed of the latest communication, ...
Free Subscription
Input Form Printer
Allows the printing (snapshot) of both custom and standard forms to be captured in the eFolder without having to map a custom output print form. Many, many use-cases for evidencing iterative forms, checklists, screen grabs, data at certain parts of the process, quick-print for review, etc.
Auto Role Assignment
Just what it sounds like... automatically add users to file contacts, milestones, etc. Based on whatever conditions or rules you need, dynamically and automatically get control of your system, and save all of those manual efforts and headaches. Loan Officers assigning their LOA's in the file contact...
KM White Board
Plugin allows a client to bring up a message of their choosing upon opening Encompass. Great way to send out notifications to the entire company or let users know of recent changes in the system. A settings panel allows user to control the content and popup criteria. Allows for messages that expire ...
A MUST for every system, for every admin. This simple, but incredibly powerful utility allows you to maximize native business rule writing by opening up loan and session events you can base your logic on. Create trigger rules that fire when a loan is opened, saved, closed... or when a milestone is c...
Free Subscription
Funding Fees Manager
These data points are not accessible at the field level. Creating rules around them is impossible. This plugin writes all the fees to custom fields so they can be used accordingly.
3.2 File backup
Rest easy with the knowledge that your Fannie 3.2 files are updated, backed up, and accessible even when Encompass is not. This utility provides simple admin preferences to set which files, how often, and to where the files are stored. For example, set a back up to run at midnight each night for a...
Change Management
We all talk about it, Auditors want to see proof of it, and you should do it... BUT, it's a pain, and no one does! This embedded utility allows easy change management documentation and builds you a reportable, searchable, exportable record of your system changes, with as little effort from you as po...
Document Access Manager
A must-have for every system and Admin! This powerful tool transforms document access control, allowing you to manage permissions at the individual document level. While Encompass natively limits control to the role level for all documents, our solution empowers you to specify access for each docume...
Round Robin
Wow. Just, wow. Dynamic, intelligent, and automatic file assignment! Entirely eliminate the queues, clunky workflow and/or having someone constantly manage file assignments. From Underwriting, to Closing, To Funding, Shipping, Processing, QC... whatever - completely and dynamically assign files to...
Batch Update Utility
A crowd favorite and the ultimate time-saver tool for admins, compliance, or just about anyone who has to modify more than one loan. Manage 100's or 1000's of file and field changes all in a simple excel sheet, drag it in and hit "go". The Batch Update Utility does the rest. This is a MUST HAVE for...
File Exporter
The File Exported provides a one-click solution for exporting every allowable/supported format of the loan file to your desktop, or network location. As well, because this utility comes with a simple input form control and button, Admins can grant access, or restrict exporting to whatever criteria o...
Loan Copy
All the buzz words here... Dynamic, flexible, automated, streamlined, etc! Create as many unique copy 'scenarios' as needed, which not only allow you to control WHEN and WHO can create a loan copy, but also what specifically gets copied or not based on those rules. But wait, there's more... ALSO COP...
Post-Closing Conditions Manager
A streamlined workflow with a simplified, cleaner and more detailed way to manage Investor conditions, and all of the reporting, and pipeline management needs that come with it. We completely reinvented the PostClosing Wheel. Your Team will love you for this one, from the Post Closers to C-level ma...
SSN Utility
A one-click, in-loan solution that allows users to query the entire system, regardless of borrower position, for any duplicate SSN's and borrowers. A simple 'report' is produced, which you can have added to the efolder, evidencing a successful dup search.
Loan Snapshot
A custom input form coupled with a business rule that will map very important loan metrics at time of disclosure and at time of lock. Both scenarios have their own status field which can be used to trigger emails or hard stop the loan during the process. Used to ensure important items on a loan don’...
Income, Rental & SSA Income Calc Tools
Embedded Income Calc tool, within the file flow, able to be captured and have native business rules written around the usage. Add a hardstop in the file flow to require calc prior to submission as example. Should be bundled with input form printer plugin.
Loan Folder Automation
Did you know for every 100 funded loans, your staff averages 4210 clicks and just over 7 HOURS a month moving loans between folder? Not to mention all of the "oh, i forgot to move it" emails! Loan Folder Automation moves loans to the appropriate folder, in real time, based on whatever rule(s) you n...
Bulk Email Utility
Automated, hands-off, email communication based on infinite loan criteria. This utility gives Admins a simple control panel to create rich-text/html email templates which can be sent automatically - without users needing to open a file or trigger an event. Simple but powerful business rule controls ...
Auto Printer
This utility allows you automatically print any standard or custom print form to its proper place in the efolder, based on any trigger or event you wish. Any time you have to open the print manager and manually print a form, don't. Do it automatically with Auto Printer! Loan Approval automaticall...
Address Verification
With the click of a button, or automated with a simple trigger rule, validating the address against the USPS website manually is now a thing of the past! This utility also takes a screenshot of the USPS findings and stores them in your designated eFolder bucket. No Brainer ROI: For every 100 cl...
Free Subscription
Macro Automation
Run any Encompass executive (Button Action) action using a field trigger (popup the get mi window, run the geocode button, run get index button). Populate one of the supported executive actions into the specified field and the action will run. Very popular with getmi, ccprog (Closing Cost Template P...
Free Subscription
Doorbell is an indispensable tool, delivering efficiency day in and day out. If an LO steps away with a loan open or you need immediate access to review or lock a loan, ring the Doorbell. The user in the file receives a real-time popup notifying them you're requesting access, and if they have sound ...
Services Manager
You might know how to write a rule to stop someone from pulling credit or ordering an appraisal from the button... but you can't stop them from accessing it through the services tab, right? Well, now you can. completely based on your rules, this allows you to completely control access to all service...
Contact Provider
Manage Closing/Generic queues via web based calendars
Communicates with Encompass LOS to import eFolder documents into their respective placeholders in a loan file(s)
FEMA Automation
Ability to auto check loan files with the FEMA database to check if there are any declared disasters. This check can be ran using business rules at the loan level and also at a batch level using reporting criteria. Custom fields are updated with disaster data once the check has run. Hard stops can b...
Purchase Advice Automation
Allow for user to quickly give the system all needed information when entering purchase advise information without needing to enter the loan. This tool will: update all provided fields on the entry form, upload provided purchase advise, print a custom letter to the eFolder and update balances, recal...
Free Subscription
Loan Banner Pro - HD
Why can't I add more info or fields to the Loan Banner? Well, now you can. Drive productivity, streamline workflow, and save hair follicles. Whatever fields or even hyper links (internal or external) you need quick access to. Loan Banner provides both a company-wide default, and a user created tog...
Batch Update Utility Pro
Add more features to the already powerful Batch Update Utility. For starters, batch assign, reassign, or clear out loan file contacts. Then come the big guns - batch import/export of eFolder documents. Import essentially unlimited docs into their respective loans and eFolder buckets in one shot...
MERS Auto Registration
900+ clicks, and more than 6 hours a month, for every 100 funded loans... all goes away! Put your MERS Registration on autopilot. This utility allows for either event or milestone-based automation OR batch registrations! Easy controls and preferences, easy setup, and saves hundreds of clicks and ho...
Auto Report Generator
Schedule your Encompass report(s) to run automatically and on any repeat frequency. Your reports are generated and sent to a whatever local drive or network folder you choose, all with a history log and tracking window to capture a record of all reports generated. Have reports generated after-hours...
Interim Servicing Manager
This tool provides a way to update loans with payment & escrow disbursement entries in batch or automatically. It virtually eliminates the need to go into individual loans for any interim servicing tasks, including the printing of a 1st payment letter or other documentation.
System Analytics Utility
A long-standing MUST HAVE for every Admin, but now even more so as you assess the impact of the SDK sunset and begin your transition to Web. Manually scrolling through countless Encompass settings, reports, and code to find where a single field is referenced is a thing of the past – saving you HOURS...
Disclosure Management
No more stare and compare coupled with endless clicking by your Disclosure Desk or Post Closers as they work through the file. In a single, user friendly screen, critical information about each disclosure (right down to the fee-level if you want) is tracked, presented side-by-side, and compared to t...
Pipeline User Assignment
Allows for the configuration of Persona / User on a global level to then be able to dynamically assign at the pipeline level.
Blend - Disclosures Bridge
Blend’s Integration with Encompass Banker unlocks a mortgage process that is simpler, faster, and safer, while improving conversion and customer satisfaction with seamless lending experiences across digital, phone, and in-branch channels. Our Blend integration includes industry-leading service, setu...
Loan Messenger
KMT’s LoanMessenger™ provides both automated template messages, as well as on-the-fly messages to be sent to ANY party or contact in the loan file, and based on ANY milestone, status, event, date field, button, etc. A clean, simple Settings and Preferences screen allows Admins to create unlimited t...
Free Subscription
Encompass Title Bar
When dealing with multiple versions of Encompass open at the same time it might be difficult to remember which window belongs to your BE and TE. With this utility you can customize the title in the top bar of Encompass which will also show in your hover thumbnail in Windows.
Settings Window Assistant
The Settings Windows Assistant utility provides the ability to export the data details of multiple Encompass Settings with a single button click in just a few seconds! Individual Settings toolbar search filters (not natively available) provide the capability to search for that needle in a haystack, ...
ITP Automation
Automate intent to proceed upon opening the loan based on the eSignature of one or all borrowers. No more manually going through the packages in disclosure tracking to indicate ITP based on data that is already in the system. Set it and forget it! This utility allows automation based on the Disclos...
Condition Manager 2.0
This incredible tool provides truly automated conditions, for Underwriting, Preliminary, and Post-Closing. Dynamically adds the appropriate conditions, removes those that do not apply, or eliminated, checks for duplicates, AND fills in the blanks! Then users can customize and dynamically update ...
eDisclosure Assistant 2.0
This little assistant streamlines your eDisclosures. First, it reminds users when it's time to send out the eConsent with a popup that takes them straight to the eConsent screen. On one side it's a friendly assistant, and on the other a management utility that records when an eConsent was sent out,...
Contact Provider
Collect money faster and don't be stuck with unpaid Appraisals! Plus your borrowers will love the convenience. Credit Card or ACH Payment methods are available with this integration to Encompass. Easily enable your Encompass users to request, track, and collect payments from borrowers. Give your ...
Don’t miss a beat waiting for the loan to open when you need to update critical information, add a document, or conversation entry! Instead, keep it moving and the pipeline flowing. Users can add/update documents, loan data, and enter a conversation log entry. Piper also allows Admins to create sc...
Contact Provider
Snapdocs RON Solution
The Snapdocs Digital Closing Platform includes a completely turnkey RON solution for mortgage lenders. This allows you to offer a fully remote eClosing to your borrowers, inside the same efficient process you use to manage all of your closings.
Contact Provider
Snapdocs eVault
Snapdocs eVault is a modern, easy-to-use solution built from the ground up. Combined with Snapdocs Digital Closing Platform it provides a completely turn-key eNote solution for mortgage lenders. This allows you to realize the benefits of eNote - increased operational efficiency, reduced risk, be...
Enhanced Condition Manager
TRULY. AUTOMATED. UNDERWRITING! NOW FOR ENHANCED CONDITIONS AS WELL! Well, as close as you can get, we're not quite underwriting loans with robots. Yet. This incredible tool provides true automated conditions, for both Underwriting, and Prelim. Dynamically adds the appropriate conditions, remov...
Appraisal Assistant
Appraisals have to be reviewed on every loan. This tool helps underwriters expedite their appraisal review by bringing the appraisal data to them within Encompass to more quickly and easily review. The tool also surfaces potential red flags or discrepancies for the underwriter to look at first with...
Escrow Manager
Yes, you really can automate escrows! Completing the Aggregate Setup Table on the Encompass 2015 Itemization input form has always been a “Kick the Can“ game between Encompass loan roles. The Escrow Manager utility allows the system administrator to “set it and forget it“ to ensure the impound date ...
QC Regulator
QC Regulator is your comprehensive solution for audits, pre-fund & post-fund QC reviews, now packed with enhanced features. Whether you require random/discretionary, targeted, or our latest static selection (specific # of loans), QC Regulator has everything you need. It seamlessly integrates the ent...
Session Automator
Never want to worry about your plugins running again?! Then Session Automator is for you! This tool ensures that there is always an active Encompass session to ensure all plugins will run when triggered. Using Windows Task Scheduler, a designated user will be logged out and logged right-back in dail...
Subscription Pricing
Infinity Solutions - Web Doorbell
Web Doorbell is an extension to the original smart-client-only doorbell utility. This utility allows TPO and Encompass Web users (from outside the Encompass smart client) to request a smart client user to exit a file. The web doorbell can also be loaded on any third-party site to allow for ringing. ...
Dup Check
Dup Check allows sales & operations managers, as well as compliance staff, to have the ability to see immediate results in a loan file to stay on top of the messy business of duplicate loans. Dup Check can provide lenders with recaptured revenue and peace of mind by keeping prospect files compliant ...
Free Subscription
Field Lookup
Quickly find any loan field's value or property within the current Encompass loan file using the Field Lookup tool where all the important field properties are gathered in one place. An essential administrator toolbelt assistant to write business rules using field actual values versus displayed tex...
MERS Transfer Automation
Just what it sounds like... a powerful solution that not only streamlines, but completely automates your MERS transfer process! This time-saving tool fully automates the otherwise VERY manual task on every loan, ensuring seamless MERS management when loans change hands and freeing up your Post-Close...
Audit Manager + Snapshot 2.0
Gain unparalleled visibility and control over your loan data with Audit Manager + Snapshot 2.0. Advanced auditing capabilities and a user-friendly interface let you easily track changes and compare values and ensure the accuracy and integrity of your loan information. Customize audit scenarios and c...
Contact Provider
Originating a mortgage doesn’t have to be a daunting process. Ocrolus helps you spend more time interpreting borrowers' financial situations and making critical home-buying decisions—from application to origination, underwriting, and closing. With Ocrolus, mortgage lenders can: • Alleviate manua...
Docusign Automation
Yep, we built it! Streamline your digital signature process with our Docusign automation for Encompass. This integration enables you to seamlessly import Docusign documents while maintaining complete control over your data flow. Populate both document fields and recipient information dynamically fro...
Market - Solutions
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